Monday, January 24, 2011
Blogger Illiterate
Does illiterate even have two "l"s? Anyways I usually think of something to write but then it takes me soooo long to figure out how to get to the home page to be able to post I forget what I wanted to write...
Anyways that means you guys just get some more baby pictures. I am especially excited about the tea cup one. I found this tea cup "planter" for $15 at Gordmans (love that store) and my mom said she thought it was too small for a baby. I bought it and took it to Blake's photoshoot with the intention of trying it out and if it was too small then I would return it. However, when I got to her house I set it down a little too hard on the tile floor and broke half of the saucer off! Sooo much for that return idea ;( Blake was too big to fit in it....
Buuut Blake was 11 days old, so yesterday when I had the opportunity to photograph little Sevayah who was only 5 days old I hoped prayed, crossed all fingers and toes, and finally it worked!!
Sorry for the hot pink mixed with the brown/blue/green of the cup but that hot pink is actually a HAT (yes I really did wear it in high school) man did I have some stupid outfits in high school...sorry for the tangent there. But the hat was the only thing that fit in the cup (perfectly might I ad) and padded the sides so she didn't wake up.
There will definitely be plenty more pictures of this little one because she was a pretty darn good sleeper so check back to my facebook site.
Nature's Wonder Photography
I guess I am not too blogger illiterate since I figured out how to link my website instead of just putting the address typed out in the words for all to copy and paste ;)
Sooo cute! If only you were around 28 years ago...
Your camera must emit a sleep frequency from it or something. :) It's like, every time you bust it out, the babies go, '' :)
hahahahah no seriously jon they dont!!! Parents are always like ooohhh he/she always sleeps all day...then I am there and the baby is crying and going nuts for 50-90% of the time I am there. This baby has been the best so far and she probably would have been even better if I had a space heater bc it was a little chilly in the house.
Blake the little one with the newspaper boy hat, I was at their house from 3:30-9:30! granted she is a friend so she gets the perks of me staying past session time, but I usually do newborn sessions for up to 4hours!
These are awesome.
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