Sunday, January 30, 2011
Yes this crazy photographer started her newborn session at 6:45am today...just before working a 12 hour shift at the emergency clinic. But this little one just turned 8days so she was getting towards the age limits of being poseable.
Like all the other babies I have ever shot she was wide awake compared to normal. WTH? I seriously must secrete caffeine out of my pores or something...She finally slept pretty deep for about 40 minutes of it.
Here are a few shots...look at that HAIR!!
Biggest thing I realized since it was dark out when I was shooting her...I need to learn lighting! I need to buy lighting! Good thing a groupon the other day was $30 photography classes and I signed up for the flash and lighting course ;)
Nice job Kiely. That's early!
hey are we going to add the picture thing on the side? I think it would be cool...
Sent you an email Kiely.
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