One thing when I was starting out with using manual mode that I had trouble with was the f stop and apertures. Is a higher f stop number mean a smaller aperture? What does that do to the depth of field ? More or less in focus? Ugh…!
Here is the easy way to figure it out and remember it.
More F's equals more Focus
So if you would like more of the background in focus you would set your aperture at a higher number of F, like f/16 or f/22.
If you would like your background blurred to make your subject stand out use a smaller f like f/2.8.
I leave you with the ice storm....if you had a free day off work like I did then you better be shooting pictures ;)
That's a great way to put it Kiely. More F's more focus. I love memory by association! Works for me. I did know that, but always had to stop and think before I shot. Now, if I only had a lens that went down to f/2.8.
If I get a snow day tomorrow, I will!
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